Urgent Update: Coronavirus Impacts Airfreight to and from China

The coronavirus outbreak that began in China and has spread throughout the world continues to be a serious, closely watched situation. The Chinese government and business leaders are taking extreme actions that include extending current factory closures and canceling flights across the country.
Currently, many air freight routes are being disrupted and in some cases, the cargo is offloaded on the spot without an alternative channel.
As of this morning, several airlines have gone as far as suspending all operations through February 9th and many others are expected to follow their lead.
CNW logistics experts continue to monitor and assess the situation on an hourly basis. We are focused on mitigating the risk and delays for our customers who have cargo en route. While we are seeing disruptions in the transportation network, our team is actively looking for creative alternatives to move freight in and out of China and reach its final destination.
CNW has five offices in China and Hong Kong operating 24/7/365 at your disposal.
If you are facing any issues, contact us immediately to discuss your logistics contingency plan and reduce the impact on your business.